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Hellenic History Tournament Held in Ottawa, $26K Donated to McGill University



Washington, D.C. office

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Team Melissopetra, sponsored by the Hellenic Community of Ottawa, captured first place and a $3,000 prize at the Hellenic History Tournament held at Ashbury College in Ottawa, Ont. The Fates, representing Toronto and sponsored by the Hellenic Canadian Community of York Region, placed second and won a $1,500 prize. Both teams are invited to compete at the national competition to be held at the 2022 AHEPA Supreme Convention. 

Fourteen teams competed representing parts of Canada, including Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, and Hamilton. Ambassador of Greece to Canada Konstantina Athanassiadou, Member of Parliament Annie Koutrakis, Ashbury College Head of School Norman Southworth, and Canadian President Emmanuel Constas, addressed the teams.

Separately, Mount Royal Chapter CJ-7 donated $26,000 to McGill University to establish the Montreal AHEPA Prize for Hellenic Studies at McGill. It will support the work of the Papachristidis Chair of Hellenic and Modern Greek Studies at McGill, headed by Professor Tassos Anastassiadis.

Past Canadian President Dr. Kenneth Matziorinis led the initiative which was supported by Beaver District 23 and Chapter CJ-7

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