
Thank you for your generosity!

          The AHEPA Charitable Foundation is part of the AHEPA Foundation, Inc. a 501(c)(3) entity of the AHEPA, which was created to accept 100 percent tax deductible donations for charitable projects.

The AHEPA Foundation, Inc. accepts donations to help with humanitarian relief efforts, national projects, and more.

Choose a fund below to donate online
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Order of AHEPA
1909 Q St NW #500
Washington, DC 20009

AHEPA Athletics

The athlete has a very special place in Greek history and culture and, with AHEPA, so it remains. AHEPA Athletics plays a significant role in our fraternity’s on going mission to promote excellence. A variety of athletic events are conducting across the AHEPA domain.  Golf Tournaments both on the local and national level are attended by thousands of members and guests. The annual Dr. Monthe Kofos Tournament brings golfers from all over the world to compete. Let’s not forget to mention our bowling leagues and championships, basketball, softball and many other athletic competitive events…even a TAVLI tournament now again!

The Order has always taken enormous pride in the achievements of the Greek American athlete, going back to the heyday of world class wrestler Jim Londos. AHEPA’s Harry Agganis Award was established in 1955, in memory of the great all-American who died in his prime. Agganis honorees have included: in football, Detroit Lion Alex Karras; in basketball, Boston Celtic Lou Tsiropoulos; and in baseball, Baltimore Oriole Milt Pappas, among recent recipients are Olympic diver Greg Louganis and University of Georgia football coach and All-American Mike Castronis.  AHEPA also recognizes outstanding professional and amateur women in athletics.

Annually the AHEPA Athletics Committee awards thousands of dollars in scholarships at the AHEPA Convention.

On Wednesday, August 4th, Supreme President Jimmy Kokotas authorized the opening of the AHEPA Emergency Relief fund in an effort to provide humanitarian assistance for the victims of Greece’s wildfires.
AHEPA members have mobilized in response to this call to action. As the wildfires in Greece continue to burn, we have seen our chapters and members come together to help in any way possible and we are proud.

In 2007, AHEPA donated $250,000 worth of goods and an additional $250,000 in financial assistance to victims of Greece’s wildfires. Following Greece’s wildfires of 2018, AHEPA was able to raise 159,000€ to complete a burn unit at Evangelismos Hospital in Athens.“The images and stories coming from Greece are terrifying,” Supreme President Kokotas said. “Our thoughts and prayers are with all who have been affected by this tragedy. We are extremely grateful to Greece’s first responders and to all nations that have offered support and assistance. We will stand with Greece as we did in 2007, 2018, and during other times of great need.”

Every single bit of your tax-deductible donation to the AHEPA Emergency Relief Fund helps.

This year, following up last year’s contribution from E. John and Cleo Rumpakis, Board of Trustees member PSP Anthony and Millie Kouzounis provided $50,000 to increase the current endowment of AHEPA in honor of our 100th Year upcoming anniversary. We take the time to thank Anthony PSP and Millie for helping us off to a great start. Our mission, and the charitable programs that we support, will benefit for future generations.

This program needs more donors of course. The programs we support are the beneficiaries. We owe it to AHEPA in supporting these programs. If you want us to continue to be progressive, this is a great way to do so. We intend on reminding you throughout these times that AHEPA’s greater workings are indeed a 99-year celebration of brilliance. Consider giving to the fund.

AHEPA National Educational Foundation

The AHEPA National Educational Foundation offers college scholarships to a wide variety of students, including traditional and non-traditional students; seminarians, including those entering Holy Cross Greek School of Theology; and high school seniors, college and post-graduate students who are looking to become tomorrow’s leaders. Donations also go to preserve Hellenic or Classical Studies programs at the University level, and to fund educational programs such as “Journey to Greece” and Washington Internships have been sponsored by the Foundation. 

The AHEPA Emergency Fund was started in the early part of 2006 in response to natural disasters which occur around the world.  The Order of AHEPA has donating hundreds of thousands of man hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars in financial aid for devastating natural disasters.  From providing water to the first responders or milk for those in need.  WE have helped clean up after Super Storm Sandy and rebuild homes in Houston.  WE feed thousands of homeless people through our chapters and we assist the elderly.  All of our action need funds.  WE ask you and your chapters to donate to the AHEPA Emergency Fund.

AHEPA Charitable Fund

The AHEPA Charitable Foundation is part of the AHEPA Foundation, Inc. — a 501(c)(3) entity of the AHEPA which was created to accept 100 percent tax deductible donations for charitable projects. The AHEPA Foundation, Inc. is accepting donations to help with humanitarian relief efforts, national projects, and more.  The Charitable Fund also collects monies for use by our Emergency Fund, and all of AHEPA’s Philanthropic endeavors. Thank you for your generous contribution.

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