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AHEPA Condemns Turkey’s Latest Aggression, Calls for EU Sanctions



Washington, D.C. office


Supreme President George G. Horiates has issued the following statement: 

Turkey continues to demonstrate it is the root cause of instability and turmoil in the region through its ongoing aggression and acts of provocation. AHEPA strongly condemns Turkey’s actions as a detriment to peace and stability, and AHEPA reiterates its call for nations and international bodies to impose sanctions on Turkey and to boycott Turkey. 

Specifically, AHEPA condemns Turkey’s use of a drone to violate Greece’s sovereignty and taunt the people of Greece by defacing a Greek flag displayed on the ground in Kastellorizo while playing Turkey’s national anthem. 

Azerbaijan’s attack on Nagorno Karabakh is another act of aggression supported by Turkey. With this action, Turkey also targets Armenia, a landlocked, blockaded genocide-survivor state. 

AHEPA is mobilizing in cities such as Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, and Weisbaden to re-up the call to impose sanctions on Turkey during the European Council and EU Heads of State meetings. 

Turkey’s actions are a stark contrast with Greece, which the United States rightfully recognized as a country with a “confirmed readiness to engage with other countries in the region to achieve maritime delimitation agreements through dialogue and in accordance with international law.”

(featured image via The National Herald)

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Founded in 1922 in Atlanta, Georgia, on the principles that undergirded its fight for civil rights and against discrimination, bigotry, and hatred felt at the hands of the Ku Klux Klan, AHEPA is the largest and oldest grassroots association of American citizens of Greek heritage and Philhellenes with more than 400 chapters across the United States, Canada, and Europe. 

AHEPA’s mission is to promote the ancient Greek ideals of Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family and Individual Excellence through community service and volunteerism. 

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