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AHEPA Lauds President Biden’s Recognition of Armenian Genocide



Washington, D.C. office


Supreme President George G. Horiates has issued the following statement: “In a victory for human rights today, AHEPA lauds President Joe Biden’s statement that the ‘campaign of extermination’ of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman authorities was an act of genocide. The statement follows congressional resolutions passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate in 2019 that affirmed the United States’ record on the Armenian Genocide. “We commend and congratulate the Armenian American community for its decades of relentless hard work and persistent advocacy to attain the rightful recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the United States government, and we join them in remembrance of all Armenians who perished. “Today, on the day that marks the 106th anniversary of the start of the Armenian Genocide, the United States joins at least 29 other countries to affirm a historic truth and a commitment to human rights. “Today, the United States ended its’ denial of the first genocide of the 20th century.”

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