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AHEPA Service Dog for Warrior Training Program Resumes



Washington, D.C. office

unnamed (11)
Supreme President George G. Horiates is proud to announce that the AHEPA Service Dog For Warriors Program, spearheaded by the brothers of AHEPA Chapter #517 in Holmdel, NJ, has resumed after a sixteen month hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Service Dog “Loucas,” generously donated by AHEPA Socrates Award Honoree Michael and Robin Psaros in 2018 in honor of AHEPA Past Supreme President George Loucas is starting training this week, breathing a breath of fresh air into this amazing program. Once Loucas completes his intense training, he will be paired with a veteran in order to help mitigate and assist them in their path to recovery and management of their disabilities; as well as provide the veteran with companionship and therapy.
Once Loucas is matched with his veteran, PSP George Loucas as well as Mr. & Mrs. Psaros will be invited to witness his graduation from training and have the opportunity to meet the veteran and see firsthand the impact of this incredibly important and beneficial program.
The last two dogs that graduated before the pandemic were Thomas, sponsored by the Daughters of Penelope Nike Chapter #230 of Cherry Hill, NJ and Hoosier, sponsored by the District 12 AHEPA. These are only two of the 44 dogs the AHEPA Service Dogs for Warriors Program is responsible for placing, and now that training has resumed, it is our hope that those numbers can only grow.
We thank the members of all branches of the AHEPA Family that have supported this project over the years and implore you to continue to do so.
If you would like to learn more about the AHEPA Service Dogs for Warriors Program, please visit their website at
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