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AHEPA’s Milk for Flint Campaign Delivers Yet Again



Washington, D.C. office

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The AHEPA family of Michigan completed its eleventh “Milk for Flint” giveaway, Oct. 11, 2022. Since it began, the campaign has raised $40,000, resulting in the distribution of more than 18,000 gallons of milk to the people of Flint.

Over a two-hour period, 138 cars lined up, along with 63 walk-ups, representing 801 people served. The milk that remained went to Flint elementary schools, food pantries, and to other nonprofits for distribution. 

Supreme President Jimmy Kokotas, Region 6 Supreme Governor Sam Benjamin, and District 12 Past District Governor Panos Niarchos, lent a helping hand in the distribution of milk and food.

Local television stations covered the event and interviewed Supreme President Kokotas.

According to the FDA, milk helps to lower lead levels in blood.

Special thanks to Flint’s Catholic Charities, led by Mary Stevenson, which teamed-up with AHEPA to distribute the milk from their Center for Hope facility, and to Kim Green, manager, Kroger store 404, for coordinating their delivery. Thanks also to AHEPA family volunteers and donors who made the milk drive possible.

“Our next giveaway will be our twelfth truck load of milk for the unfortunate residents of Flint,” Chairman Craig Theros, PSG, said. “Over recent years, Flint residents have endured a lot of adversity, the Flint Water Crisis, high unemployment, and an extremely high number of COVID victims. The need for AHEPA’s help has not gone away. Flint may not be in the national headlines as it used to be, but the need is still real.”

In July 2021, AHEPA earned special recognition from the City of Flint for its Milk for Flint service campaign.

The next milk giveaway is tentatively scheduled for Spring 2023.

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