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Call for Applications: Scholar-Athlete Scholarships, Athletic Hall of Fame Honors



Washington, D.C. office

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Annually, AHEPA presents scholarships and awards to outstanding athletes, scholar-athletes, and former athletes at the AHEPA Family Supreme Convention.

Don’t miss this opportunity!

Do you know of a standout athlete who excels in their individual sport(s) or who displays excellence in the classroom and volunteerism? Or a former athlete or sports industry leader worthy to join the ranks of 150-plus members of the AHEPA Hellenic Athletic Hall of Fame that includes the likes of Harry Agganis, Alex Karras, Pete Sampras, and other greats? 
Deadline: March 15, 2022
Hall of Fame ApplicationScholar-Athlete Scholarship Application

AHEPA Mourns Passing of PSP, Father of AHEPA Housing Program, Nick Smyrnis
AHEPA deeply mourns the passing of Past Supreme President, and co-founder of AHEPA National Housing Corporation (ANHC), Nick Smyrnis. Brother Smyrnis, of Indianapolis, Ind., was a 73-year Life Member of James Whitcomb Riley Chapter 232, Indianapolis. He passed away January 15, 2022, at the age of 98.
“We are deeply saddened by the news of Brother Smyrnis’ passing,” Supreme President Jimmy Kokotas said. “A titan of the community for more than half a century, Brother Nick’s contributions were immense and valued greatly… read more | The National Herald
AHEPA HQ Begins Membership System Upgrade
Starting today, January 19, 2022, AHEPA Global Headquarters will be upgrading the AHEPA Membership Database System. The AHEPA Membership portal and databases will be disconnected until January 252022. Headquarters staff will be unable to provide rosters or membership information during this time and thanks you in advance for your patience.
2022 chapter billing statements will be sent out once the upgraded membership system is running next week.
2022 National Scholarship Application Open
The AHEPA Educational Foundation has made the 2022 National AHEPA Educational Foundation Scholarship Application available on the AHEPA website.
Please visit the link to learn about eligibility criteria for the scholarship as well as the scholarships available this year.
The deadline for submissions of the 2022 AHEPA Educational Foundation Scholarship will be March 31, 2022.
Apply Today
Sons of Pericles Launches Online Store
The Sons of Pericles has revamped its website,, just in time for the New Year! Visitors can pay Sons of Pericles dues online as well as shop for Sons of Pericles merchandise and gear in the first official online store. The site is still under construction. However, there’s plenty of merch to buy with more on the way. So visit and stock up today!
SOP_Logo_296x252_Trans.pngSOP Online Store
Emergency Relief Fund Opened for Victims of Midwest Tornadoes
Supreme President Jimmy Kokotas (pictured delivering food in Kentucky) announced the AHEPA Emergency Fund is open and accepting donations for the victims of the Midwest tornadoes that devastated the region over the weekend.
Donations are being accepted online or via mail:
AHEPA Emergency Fundc/o AHEPA Global Headquarters1909 Q Street, NW, Suite 500Washington, DC 20009
Coverage in Pappas Post
Donate Today
AHEPA Centennial Convention Magic Awaits Us in 2022!
AHEPA celebrates 100 years in 2022! To commemorate this historic event, we’re taking you back to the happiest place on earth, the Walt Disney World Resort® in Orlando, Florida! Pack up the family and bring plenty of sunscreen and join us at this once in a lifetime celebration of a century of service!
make a reservation and more info
Upcoming Events & Deadlines
25 – 27 | SOP & MOA Greeks in Miami Volleyball Tournament
5 | AHEPA Region 6 100 Year Celebration hosted by District 13, Des Plaines, Illinois15 | Deadline: AHEPA Athletic Hall of Fame, Scholar-Athlete Scholarship applications31 | Deadline: National Educational Foundation Scholarship application
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