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Members Invited to Oct. Banquet in Washington, D.C. Honoring His All Holiness



Washington, D.C. office

2021 Biennial Logo

Supreme President Jimmy Kokotas is proud to remind all of our AHEPA chapters of the upcoming Banquet in Honor of His All Holiness on October 24, 2021 at the famed Mayflower Hotel in downtown Washington, DC.  This event has been rescheduled from the May 14 date due to Covid and we are pleased to be able to announce that plans are in full swing for the upcoming Patriarchal visit.

Tickets were sold to sponsors over this past year and we have very few tables left for sale TO SPONSORS.  Individual tickets will not be sold.  Tables are for 10 people.  AHEPA is hoping the current guidelines for COVID-19 will remain the same on the capacity of the number of attendees to events.  We need sponsors to contact AHEPA headquarters at 202-232-6300 or email the Executive Director at

This event will coincide with the AHEPA District Governors meeting scheduled for October 23, 2021 at the Mayflower.  All governors are asked to make arrangements to attend this important meeting.

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