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Memorial Day 2023: AHEPA Remembers



Washington, D.C. office

unnamed (84)

Each Memorial Day we remember and honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Throughout the country, members of the AHEPA family celebrate the lives of those they’ve lost in their communities.

As they have since 1949, AHEPA family members from the Baltimore and Washington, D.C. metro areas gathered last Saturday, on Memorial Day weekend, to memorialize those who are identified as Greek Americans or Greek Orthodox who are buried at Arlington National Cemetery. AHEPA family members presented a wreath and paused in remembrance of those who perished for our nation at slightly over 600 gravesites.

Also, annually, AHEPA’s Supreme President lays a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier – a proud tradition since 1924.

This year, we will be afforded that honor once again on Saturday, June 3.

Did your chapter do something special for Memorial Day? We want to know! Send us your stories and pictures at!

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