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Monastery in Greece plans to support community through solar power



Washington, D.C. office


The Supreme President of AHEPA, George Loucas, received an email from the Holy Metamorfoseos Monastery in Nafpaktos, Greece on Tuesday Oct. 9, 2018.

The most recent message requested a donation towards the installation of solar panels so that the monastery could give back the surplus of euros it makes from the extra energy generation to nearby communities. The HMMS (Monastery) has worked with AHEPA in the past and gives to the community often. According to Rev. Dr. Ignatios Stavropoulos they are half way to their fund raising goal of $120,000 euros See full message below.

Dear brother, Supreme Governor, George Loukas ,

 We send you brotherly love from The HMMS (Monastery) in Nafpaktos, Greece. 

 In our Greek Orthodox monastic community we organize programs and youth camps to support local children and their families.These programs are made possible from support from people like you. 

 One such community program is a solar system project at the metamorphosis monastery in Nafpaktos. By converting the monastery to solar power, we will be able to direct thousands of euros per year to aid within the local communities. 

 We are half way to our goal of raising 120, 000 euros for this purpose. 

 You are kindly ask to help us by contributing to the completion of the solar project. In doing so you will directly impact the lives of children and families in our community for years to come. Your assistance and those of our brothers and sisters in America and Canada is essential for the completion of this project. 

 Your generosity is greatly appreciated. On behalf of the children and families served by our monastic community we thank you for your assistance. 


Rev. Dr. Ignatios Stavropoulos

Secretary, Chapter HJ18, Nafpaktos, Greece

Rev. Dr. Stavropoulos also provided a donation link here.



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