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PSP Grossomanides Honored with Service Award



Washington, D.C. office

unnamed (90)

Supreme President Jimmy Kokotas visited Rose of New England Chapter 110 in Norwich, Connecticut, on May 30, 2023. During his visit, he toured the AHEPA 110 senior housing campus that boasts 138 apartments in three buildings. AHEPA provides affordable housing for very low-income seniors through the HUD Section 202 program. He also met with the brothers of Chapter 110.

During the meeting, Kokotas presented Brother Dr. John Grossomanides, PSP, with a special award honoring his many years of service to our Order. Also present, and pictured above, were Mayor of Norwich Peter Nystrom, John’s wife, Daughters of Penelope Past Grand President Anna-Helene Grossomanides; and District 7 Governor E. Vagos Hadjimichael, Ph.D.

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