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Senate Resolution Commends NATO Members for Meeting Defense Spending Pledge



Washington, D.C. office

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A bipartisan resolution introduced in the U.S. Senate that urges all NATO member nations to spend a minimum of 2% of their gross domestic product on defense also commends the NATO members that do, including Greece.

U.S. Senators John Kennedy (R-LA) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) announced the resolution’s introduction on Sept. 18, 2023.

The legislation resolves that the Senate commends NATO member countries for taking strides to “either meet or exceed the spending commitment” and specifically cites Greece as one of those countries.

“In Greece, the United States has a dependable, committed, and steady NATO ally,” Supreme President Savas C. Tsivicos said. “We appreciate that the resolution recognizes and commends Greece’s ongoing commitment to meet NATO’s annual minimum expenditure of GDP on defense. We thank the resolution’s sponsors, Senators Kennedy and Manchin, and we call for its swift passage.”

read the resolution | Sen. Kennedy commends NATO allies

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