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Supreme Athletic Director Honored as Hellene of the Year by Hellenic Bar Association of IL



Washington, D.C. office

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Supreme Athletic Director Chris Atsaves was honored by the Hellenic Bar Association of Illinois as Hellene of the Year at the 73rd HBA Scholarship Ball held on Saturday, November 18. Chris was recognized for his tireless work in AHEPA on the National, District and Chapter levels, where his primary focus has been bringing members together through athletics.

In addition to his extensive work in AHEPA, Chris is involved in many organizations throughout Chicago including Founding Member of the Hippocratic Cancer Research Foundation, Board Member of the Greek Orthodox Athletic League, and Board Member of the Saint Iakovos Retreat Center.  He also volunteers at the Greek American Nursing Home, AHEPA Bone Marrow Tournament, and NHIBT Basketball Tournament. He serves on the board at his home parish of Sts. Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church in Glenview, IL where is the chanter and sings in the choir.

In attendance were Supreme Vice President Chris Kaitson, Supreme Counselor Themistocles Frangos, Supreme Governor George C. George, Board of Trustees member Louis G. Atsaves, District 13 Governor Harry Petrakos, and many other local AHEPA members. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Brother Atsaves on receiving this incredible honor!

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