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AHEPA E-News! | Vol. 11 Issue 14



Washington, D.C. office

AHEPA Hosts Greece’s Presidential Guard (Evzones)
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AHEPA hosted a dinner in honor of Greece’s Presidential Guard (Evzones), April 3, at Metro 29 Diner, Arlington, Va. The Presidential Guard completed a series of visits to U.S. cities where it participated in Greek Independence Day celebrations, most recently in Philadelphia. Supreme Counselor George Horiates accompanied The Presidential Guard to Washington where its members received a tour of the nation’s capital, including: the U.S. Capitol, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam Memorials, and the Lincoln Memorial. Retired U.S. Army Colonel Nick Vamvakias, chairman, AHEPA Veterans Committee, attended the dinner and shared his military experiences with the Evzones. Former Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology Dean Popps, and Executive Director Basil Mossaidis, also attended.
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“We sincerely thank the members of The Presidential Guard for their time here in the United States and commend them for their service to Greece,” Supreme President Andrew C. Zachariades said. “My gratitude also goes to Supreme Counselor Horiates and Veterans Chairman Colonel Vamvakias for coordinating this event in appreciation of The Presidential Guard, as well as to Brother Peter Bota, owner of Metro 29 Diner, for his gracious hospitality.”
In Pictures | Celebrating Greek Independence
Greek Independence Day was celebrated in the City of Brotherly Love–where the founding fathers, inspired by the ideals of the ancient Greeks, formed the representative democracy of the United States. Catch a glimpse.
Midwest Hellenic History Tournament Held
Chicago hosted its Third Annual AHEPA Hellenic History Tournament, March 11, 2017, at the Loyola University Chicago School of Law. “Team Herodotus,” Ioanna Karra, Nicholas Tomaras and Georgia Tsiranidi, and sponsored by AHEPA Lakeshore Chapter 205, Chicago, took top honors. AHEPA North Shore Chapter 94 sponsored the second place team “Sts. Peter & Paul GOYA 2” comprised of Elias Anderson, Mitry Anderson and Julia Economy. First place team receives a $3,000 scholarship prize ($1,000 per student) and second place team receives $1,500 scholarship prize ($500 per student).
The one-day competition featured 30 high-school aged students participating in a Jeopardy style tournament that quizzes participants on Hellenic history.
Deadline Extended | Journey to Greece
Study abroad this summer and earn 6 college credits in Greece. AHEPA, in partnership with Webster University, is sponsoring 20 students to visit locations like Athens, Delphi, Meteora, Hosios Loukas, Arachova, and Crete — all while earning college credits!
Deadline Extended: Apply Today
More Info: Click Here
Call for Applications | 2017 AHEPAcademy Session

Join a select group of Greek American high school students from across the country for AHEPAcademy, June 25 – July 1, 2017, at George Mason University, outside Washington, DC. Learn more
  • Final Deadline: April 15, 2017
  • Download Application: Download
    Rebuild St. Nicholas Campaign
    AHEPA is determined to meet its Saint Nicholas Capital Campaign fund raising goal of $1 million. Donations–large and small–keep pouring in for AHEPA’s #RebuildStNicholas capital campaign.
    New! | Sincere thanks to Lincolnwood Chapter 396, Chicago, for its $1,000 donation to the campaign!
    Visit our #RebuildStNicholas campaign webpage
    Has your district or chapter organized a fundraiser for the campaign to #RebuildStNicholas? Take action and support AHEPA’s campaign today! Please tweet about your fundraising activity by using #RebuildStNicholas to share your work with the broader community!
    Share Media
    St. Nicholas Appeal Video
    AHEPA has produced its latest appeal video to help #RebuildStNicholas.
    TAKE ACTION: Donate Today!
    MORE TO SHARE: Initial appeal video released at the 94th Grand Banquet!
    Project Update
    MEDIA COVERAGE: New York Times: Cross Takes Its Place, Temporarily, Atop Shrine at World Trade Center
    Live Webcam!
    Thanks to a live webcam, you can watch progress being made with a first-hand look at the site where Saint Nicholas National Shrine will be build.
    Top: A look at Tower 1 at the World Trade Center through the dome of St. Saint Nicholas National Shrine at the World Trade Center. (Photo credit: Theo Nicolakis, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese)
    Washington Update
    Hellenic Caucus-led Letter Supports Assistance to Cyprus in Event of Reunification
    AHEPA commends a Hellenic Caucus-led letter that conveyed support for the inclusion of language pertaining to assistance for Cyprus in the FY2018 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Bill, announced Supreme President Andrew C. Zachariades. The language states that any U.S, assistance appropriated for Cyprus should support measures aimed at solidifying the reunification of Cyprus and the unified government in Cyprus. Hellenic Caucus Co-chairs U.S. Reps. Gus Bilirakis and Carolyn Maloney spearheaded the bipartisan-supported letter which was addressed to the heads of the House appropriations subcommittee with jurisdiction over foreign assistance. In total, 15 U.S. representatives signed the March 30 letter.
    It’s a New Congress! Help Grow the Hellenic Caucus!
    The 115th Congress is well underway. And with it, the work renews for the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues, led by Co-chairs U.S. Reps. Gus M. Bilirakis (R-FL) and Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY). The Hellenic Caucus begins the 115th Congress with 120 members.
    Is your U.S. representative a member of the Hellenic Caucus? Click here to find out.
    The Hellenic Caucus has been an active, bipartisan group in Congress since its founding in 1995.
    Upcoming Events & Deadlines
    11 – 23 | AHEPA Family Leadership Excursion
    15 | Final Deadline: AHEPAcademy Application
    30 | Chicago Greek Independence Parade
    3 | AHEPA Family Capitol Hill Day
    21 | AHEPA Day
    22 | AHEPA Wreath-laying Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery
    Greek American News Digest
    Editor’s Note: Editorials, Commentaries, and Opinion pieces are shared for information purposes only and do not necessarily reflect the views or policy positions of the Order of AHEPA, its affiliated organizations, and members.
    Cyprus leaders to resume peace talks on April 11: U.N.
    Reuters (April 4)
    Leaders of the divided island of Cyprus have agreed to resume peace talks on April 11, the United Nations said on Tuesday, following a two-month interruption after historical grievances boiled to the surface.Talks stalled in February, with Turkish Cypriots angry at a decision by Greek Cypriot lawmakers to commemorate a symbolic referendum held in 1950 calling for union of the island with Greece. read more
    Kotzias calls on NATO to boost security for Israel
    Ekathimerini (April 1)
    At a summit of NATO foreign ministers in Brussels on Friday Greece’s envoy Nikos Kotzias called on the alliance to re-examine its relationship with Israel, essentially to boost its sense of security so that it can promote a two-state solution for the Middle East problem. read more
    Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Israel eye longest offshore gas pipeline (April 3)
    Italy, Israel, Greece and Cyprus pledged today (3 April) to move ahead with the world’s longest undersea gas pipeline from the eastern Mediterranean to southern Europe, with support from the European Union.If carried out as planned, the long-discussed $6.2 billion (€5.8 billion) pipeline will take gas from Israel and Cyprus’s recently discovered offshore gas reserves to Europe, potentially reducing European dependence on Russian energy at a time of ongoing tensions. read more
    Tsipras, Tusk to discuss migration, program review and Brexit during meeting on Wednesday
    ANA-MPA ()
    It was high time for a Cyprus-US meeting at the highest possible level, as a recognition of the strategic partnership between the two countries, Government Spokesman Nicos Christodoulides has said ahead of a meeting he will have on Tuesday in Washington with White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. read more
    Waging peace between Greeks, Turks in Cyprus
    PBS Newhour (April 1)
    CHRIS LIVESAY: The Mediterranean island of Cyprus is a country divided. The majority, ethnic Greeks, live in the south, in the Republic of Cyprus, an internationally-recognized government and member of the European Union. In the North are mostly ethnic Turks, calling themselves the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, officially recognized by only one country, Turkey.. read more
    Nick Galis Becomes Just the Sixth non NBA-er to be Inducted into the Naismith Memorial Hall
    The National Herald (April 3)
    A historical moment for Greek basketball and Aris BC as Greek Basketball legend Nick Galis has been selected for the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall Of Fame Class of 2017. read more
    #upcomingevents #greekamericannews #greece #studyabroad #education #ahepa #GreekIndependence #diaspora #enews #serviceorganization #grassroots #galis #hoopshall #natgas #Cyprus #evzones #philadelphia #rebuildstnicholas
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