WASHINGTON, DC—His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios has proclaimed May 21, 2017 as “AHEPA Sunday” in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.
The encyclical issued by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios states in part: “Today we honor this legacy of compassion and service by observing AHEPA Sunday and offering our gratitude to the members of the AHEPA family. Throughout our Holy Archdiocese, these faithful servants of God are leaders in their parishes, in the institutions and organizations of the Church, and in using the strength and mission of AHEPA to meet vital needs around the world.”
“We are honored and we appreciate deeply the kind words of Archbishop Demetrios, who eloquently described the community service work our members provide through the Hellenic ideals promoted through our mission,” Supreme President Andrew C. Zachariades said. “The AHEPA family values the close ties it has with the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. We are also grateful for the blessings His Eminence has bestowed upon the AHEPA Family and our members.”
On AHEPA Sunday, Supreme President Zacharaides also conveys the AHEPA family’s appreciation to all donors of the campaign to help to rebuild Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at World Trade Center and appeals to the community to continue its diligent effort to reach the goal to witness Saint Nicholas rise.
On AHEPA Sunday, Supreme President Zacharaides also conveys the AHEPA family’s appreciation to all donors of the campaign to help to rebuild Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at World Trade Center and appeals to the community to continue its diligent effort to reach the goal to witness Saint Nicholas rise.
READ & SHARE: Archbishop Demetrios’ Encyclical
TAKE ACTION & DONATE: AHEPA-Saint Nicholas Capital Campaign
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Founded in 1922 in Atlanta, Georgia, on the principles that undergirded its fight for civil rights and against discrimination, bigotry, and hatred felt at the hands of the Ku Klux Klan, AHEPA is the largest and oldest grassroots association of American citizens of Greek heritage and Philhellenes with more than 400 chapters across the United States, Canada, and Europe.
AHEPA’s mission is to promote the ancient Greek ideals of Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family and Individual Excellence through community service and volunteerism.
For more information, please visit www.ahepa.org.
#ahepa #AHEPAFamily #grassroots #GreekOrthodoxArchdiocese #ArchbishopDemetrios #philanthropy #communityservice