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AHEPA Service Awards distributed in the South



Washington, D.C. office

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Supreme President Tsivicos, accompanied by Supreme Vice President Chris Kaitson, Supreme Treasurer Themistocles Frangos and Supreme Governor Steve Nickolson, visited Mother Lodge Chapter 1 in Atlanta, Georgia and attended their annual scholarship awards dinner.

Chapter President Sandy Papadopoulos welcomed the Supreme Lodge members, as well as Past Supreme President Ike Gulas and other members from District One to the event. Once scholarships were awarded to the deserving young recipients, the Supreme President and Lodge members presented AHEPA Heroes Medals to multiple members of the Mother Lodge Chapter, thanking them for their service and dedication to the AHEPA mission. Additionally, the dinner served as an opportunity to raise funds for the Journey to Greece program, allowing AHEPA to help underwrite tuition costs and hopefully help send more students on this incredible trip!

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