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AHEPA Sunday Commemorations Abound!



Washington, D.C. office

unnamed (23)

Last Sunday was AHEPA Sunday in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America as proclaimed by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America in his May 15, 2022, encyclical.

We are pleased to share a few highlights from AHEPA chapters.

Supreme President Jimmy Kokotas joined Ahepans from Coney Island Chapter 200, Brooklyn, N.Y., in presenting an appreciation award to honor Father Eugene Pappas for his many years of love and support of the AHEPA family (at right, top). 

West Pasco Chapter 489, New Port Richey, Fla., presented a $5,000 donation to St. George Greek Orthodox Church (at right, middle). The chapter also presented outstanding service and appreciation awards to its members and discussed the history of AHEPA’s founding with the community. Daughters of Penelope Eros Chapter 356 presented scholarship awards.

The Rose of New England AHEPA Chapter 110, Norwich, Conn., observed AHEPA Sunday at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church by memorializing their departed brothers as well as having a service for its living members (at right, bottom).

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