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District 22 Hosts Successful Midyear Conference



Washington, D.C. office

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AHEPA Supreme Vice President Chris Kaitson joined Brothers from the Pacific Northwest as Firwood District 22 met for their midyear conference in Portland, Oregon on January 11th. Members from Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle and Portland were in attendance, and had a successful conference in which they spoke about AHEPA’s ongoing efforts, programs, and upcoming events. After a productive conference, the Supreme Vice President joined the brothers of District 22 at the Portland Trailblazers game and watched them take on the Miami Heat!

DOP Grand Governor Linda Belba, Grand Advisor to the MOA Helen McClure and MOA Grand Secretary Cristina Saavedra-Mamounis visited on behalf of their lodges as well and met with representatives of the Daughters of Penelope and Maids of Athena from District 22. Special thanks to District 22 Governors Dr. George McClure and Fenia Mavromichali for their hard work and hospitality!

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