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Former NJ Governor, U.S. Rep. Ahepan Florio Passes Away



Washington, D.C. office

unnamed (6)

AHEPA is saddened with news of the passing of former New Jersey Governor and former U.S. Representative James Florio (D). He passed away Sept. 25, 2022.

Florio held membership in AHEPA Camden Chapter 69, Cherry Hill, N.J. 

Florio served four years as governor of New Jersey and 15 years as a U.S. representative. In 1985, as chair of the U.S. House Subcommittee on Trade and Tourism, he traveled on a mission to Greece and Cyprus, accompanied by Ahepans. He also championed Greece and Cyprus in his congressional actions and speeches.

As governor, Florio annually invited the AHEPA District 5 Lodge to the State Capitol for Greek Independence Day.

Archival images courtesy of AHEPA District 5

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