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May 21st – Save the Date for AHEPA’s National Banquet!



Washington, D.C. office


Join the AHEPA Family in Washington, DC on May 21, 2025 for our 2025 AHEPA National Banquet, to be held at the historic Mayflower Hotel! This event will be held in conjunction with AHEPA Capitol Hill day, which is scheduled for May 22, 2025 at 10am.

Ticketing & Sponsorship

Currently, AHEPA is selling tickets by way of full table sponsorships. Each table seats ten individuals. Sponsorship Levels and benefits are as follows:


One table of 10, Patron Ad on Video Board


One Premier Table, Supporter Ad on Video Board, Commemorative Gift, VIP Access for 2 to Head Table Reception


One Premier Table, Silver Sponsor Ad on Video Board, Commemorative Gift, VIP Access for 5 to Head Table Reception


One Premier Table, Gold Sponsor Ad on Video Board, Commemorative Gift, VIP Access for 10 to Head Table Reception, Acknowledgement from podium during speaking program


One Premier Table, Grand Sponsor Ad on Video Board, Presenter of one of AHEPA’s Awards at the event, Private introduction to honorees, Commemorative Gift, VIP Access for full table of guests to Head Table Reception

Those interested in purchasing a table can do so by contacting Executive Director Basil Mossaidis at 202-232-6300 or by email at Please know that you will be responsible for providing the names of all ten people at your table.

Hotel Room Information

AHEPA Family members are asked to make reservations at the Mayflower Hotel using the discounted AHEPA rate for the weekend’s events. Visit the link below to book your room online, or call the hotel at 202-347-3000 to make your reservation.

Stay tuned for more information about the upcoming banquet and Capitol Hill Day activities!

We look forward to seeing you there!

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