Supreme President Savas C. Tsivicos spent a good portion of last week touring beautiful New England and visiting many of our Chapters throughout Region Four!
His journey began in Newport, Rhode Island, where Supreme Governor Alex Boutsioulis joined him and they were able to present Brother Demetri N. Damaskos of Maude Howe Elliott Chapter 245 with the AHEPA Heroes Medal for his service to our Order. Additionally, the brothers from the local Rhode Island Chapters in attendance at the dinner spoke about the AHEPA Journey to Greece program and other important issues that affect the AHEPA on both a local and national level.
Next stop on the Supreme President’s journey was to visit with our Brothers in New London, Connecticut. We were joined by representatives from multiple Chapters as the Supreme President bestowed Brother E.P. Terry Mitchell of Winthrop Chapter 250 with a Heroes Medal in appreciation of his many years of service and dedication to AHEPA, including his years as a member of the AHEPA Board of Trustees.

From New London, it was off to Norwich to visit with the Rose of New England Chapter 110. Past Supreme President John Grossomanides was our gracious host on a tour of a 138 room AHEPA Senior Housing facility, where the Supreme President was able to help serve Thanksgiving dinner to the 150 residents! Additionally, he presented members Tony Petros and Jon Hominski with Heroes Medals, and issued a 50 year Lifetime Membership pin to Charles Christodlous.

Last, but certainly not least, the Supreme President traveled to New Haven, Connecticut and met with members of New Haven Chapter 98, including Sons of Pericles Supreme Governor George Antonellis. During his visit, he was able to present AHEPA Heroes medals to longstanding AHEPA Brothers Past Supreme Governor George Scarveles, Past Supreme Counselor Gregory Stamos, James Bitzonis, George K. Antonellis, and James Benas. The Supreme President commended the Brothers of Chapter 98 on their dedication to the Order and the support they continue to show the entire AHEPA Family.