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Tsivicos Goes West: The California Tour



Washington, D.C. office

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Supreme President Tsivicos continued his spring travels with a trip to the West Coast, where he was able to visit with brothers in both Northern and Southern California, as well as Tucson, Arizona!

His trip began in Palo Alto, where he and Executive Director Basil Mossaidis met with Brother AHEPAN and supporter George Marcus at his restaurant Evvia Estiatorio and made preparations for the AHEPA Congressional Banquet, which Brother Marcus will present at.

From Palo Alto, the Supreme President visited multiple chapters throughout District 21, visiting with Brothers in San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose, where he helped initiate ten new brothers into the order. Tsivicos also awarded the AHEPA Heroes Medal to District 21 Governor Chris Frangos, Silicon Valley Chapter 251 Members Michael Frangadakis & Bill Christie, Oakland Chapter 171 Member George Booras, PST, and Fresno Chapter 151 Member Robert Sexton, PSG.

Tsivicos, accompanied by AHEPA Canada President Emmanuel Constas, journeyed to District 20 next. Special thanks to the Brothers of Long Beach Chapter 342 for hosting an excellent event to welcome the Supreme President to District 20! Brothers from surrounding chapters in Pasadena, San Fernando, Anaheim, and Redondo Beach, as well as their sister DOP Chapters were also in attendance.

The Supreme President had the honor of awarding AHEPA Heroes Medals to many of our Brothers at this event. Past Chapter 342 Presidents and WWII Veterans Constantine Kourtis and Nicholas Karthas, as well as Chapter 342 Life Member Speros Polychrones and Brother James Eleopoulos. Medals were also awarded to Disneyland Chapter 411 Brothers Nicholas Perdaris, PSG, Alexander Soles, PSG, and Nicholas E. Angelos. Also in attendance, and a recipient of an AHEPA Heroes medal, was AHEPA PSP Dr. James F. Dimitriou Ph.D. of Harry S. Truman Chapter 426 of Redondo Beach, CA

The next stop for the Supreme President was to visit San Diego Chapter 223 and George Polos Chapter 505 in San Diego, CA, where he was able to help swear in twenty new brothers! It was an amazing experience to see such renewed excitement for AHEPA and its programs! Heroes medals were awarded to Chapter 505 members Dr. Peter Fellios, Ph.D., John Grevas, Alex Rigopoulos and Gerry Ranglas, and to Chapter 223 Member Christoforos Savvides. Congratulations Brothers!

The Supreme President’s caravan concluded in Tucson, Arizona with a visitation to Brothers from our Arizona and New Mexico Chapters. AHEPA Heroes medals were awarded to Tucson Chapter 275 Member James C. Ruboyianes for his dedication to the Order, Tri City Chapter 454 Member Andy Karantinos, Phoenix Chapter 219 Member Pete Marudas, and The Tasso Chronis Chapter 501 Member Pavlos Panagopoulos. Supreme Governors Wynn Storton, George George, Marshall Monsell, and Supreme Athletic Director Chris Atsaves joined the Supreme President for this leg of the visitation that culminated in the AHEPA Athletics annual Dr. Monthe Kofos AHEPA National Golf Tournament, also held in Tucson.

Thank you to each and every member who visited with the Supreme President on his excursion out west!

The Supreme President’s caravan concluded in Tucson, Arizona with a visitation to Brothers from our Arizona and New Mexico Chapters. AHEPA Heroes medals were awarded to Tucson Chapter 275 Member James C. Ruboyianes for his dedication to the Order, Tri City Chapter 454 Member Andy Karantinos, Phoenix Chapter 219 Member Pete Marudas, and The Tasso Chronis Chapter 501 Member Pavlos Panagopoulos. Supreme Governors Wynn Storton, George George, Marshall Monsell, and Supreme Athletic Director Chris Atsaves joined the Supreme President for this leg of the visitation that culminated in the AHEPA Athletics annual Dr. Monthe Kofos AHEPA National Golf Tournament, also held in Tucson.

Thank you to each and every member who visited with the Supreme President on his excursion out west!

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