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Holiday Shopping? Don’t forget to #BoycottTurkey



Washington, D.C. office


AHEPA was among the first to call for a boycott of Turkish products and tourism following Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s formal action to change the status of Hagia Sophia, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, from a museum to a mosque in July 2020. The act violated international norms and rejected international institutions.

Don’t Forget to Boycott Turkey!

With the Christmas season upon us, and many of us frantically shopping (mostly online) to complete our Christmas shopping lists, we remind you to double-check those “Made In” labels to ensure Turkey is boycotted. A proliferation of commerce websites exists that specialize in the sale and import of products. Ensure that these products are not “Made in Turkey!”

Organics, Grocery items, Candy/Chocolates, Fragrances, Beauty Products, Soaps, Bedding, Turkish Coffee/Tea Sets, Ceramics, Tiles, Jewelry, Lamps, Furniture, Textiles/Leather, Evil Eyes, Backgammon are some, but not all of the products imported into the United States, Canada and Europe.

Tourism too!

Also, “Boycott Turkey” extends to tourism. This includes Turkish Airlines. AHEPA continues the fight and calls international attention to the injustices of the Erdogan regime.

Enjoy the Christmas Season, but let us continue the fight to #SanctionTurkey and to #BoycottTurkey.

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