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Maids of Athena announce creation of The Becky Angelos Demeris Scholarship



Washington, D.C. office


The Maids of Athena Grand Lodge is proud to announce the creation of the Becky Angelos Demeris Scholarship, named in honor of the first Grand President of their order, Becky Angelos Demeris. Sister Becky was elected Grand President in 1954 and served until 1956. As a member of the first Grand Lodge, she and her fellow lodge members helped to set the standards for the Sisterhood and are responsible for many of the traditions they still practice to this day. 

The first recipient of the MOA Demeris Scholarship is Kalliopi Protopapas of Diana Chapter 3 in Portland, Oregon.

The Maids of Athena hope to continue awarding this scholarship in the years to come, and are taking donations to help fund it. Sister Becky was a PGP of both the Maids of Athena and the Daughters of Penelope and an active member of the AHEPA Family in Houston, Texas, and nationally, for the majority of her life.

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